Play #057 Sancho Meiso Chaya (山頂瞑想茶屋)

Sancho meiso chaya provided Mogra Radio with an hour of machine live mix. The musical story that unfolds gradually is truly breathtaking. The live mix was built up in a playful, liberating, slow and steady fashion. This live mix that leaves a lingering.


Sancho Meiso Chaya (山頂瞑想茶屋)

Sancho Meiso Chaya is a dub/experimental music project by Shin Sasama. His musical career began in the 90s as a saxophone player in a roots dub band called Cultivator. During that time, he also worked as a music producer for Japanese reggae music.

In late 2000s, he started on a solo venture under the name Sancho Meiso Chaya, producing electronic ambient and experimental dub music. Around the same time, in the 2010s, he initiated another project called "Lo Hype" with Katsuya Sano, creating minimal-house tracks and releasing some of them through Ibadan Records.

In December 2016, he released his first solo album titled "001." This album consists ofambient and dub tracks crafted from his analog synthesizers and effects. The album was reviewed by Resident Advisor, then his name widely spread to many countries. After the album he released a lot s of solo works, colaborations, remixes.

He performed not only in Japan but also in Asia and Europe, performed on Ozora festival and MoDem festival in 2022. He released his new remix for Bioterranian from Boshke beats on Mar 2024, and will perform at ZNA gathering and Ozora festival 2024.


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